1.1. Service offers a user of the Internet (hereinafter - "User") - to use the service "Lazyprice" (hereinafter - "Service") on the terms set forth in this user agreement (hereinafter - "Agreement", "PA"). The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User expresses consent to its terms and conditions in the manner prescribed by paragraph. 1.6 of the Agreement. The service is available on the website lazyprice.io (the "Site")
1.2. As part of the Service offers Users:
1.2.1. access to reference information about assortment, prices, discounts, promotions and other information about goods in the stores (hereinafter referred to as "Data" and collectively as "Database");
1.2.2. function to search for the nearest convenience stores using the User's geolocation;
1.2.3. other functions provided for by the functionality of the Service.
1.3. All current functionality of the Service, as well as any development and/or addition of new features is a subject to this Agreement and its supplements.
1.4. The User's use of the Service under the terms of this Agreement is for personal, non- commercial purposes. To use the Service in other ways and for other purposes, the User must obtain prior written consent from Lazyprice for such use.
1.5. The Agreement may be amended by Service without any special notice, the new version of the Agreement shall take effect upon its posting on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is always available at https://lazyprice.io/terms/
1.6. By starting to use the Service or its individual functions, or by completing the registration procedure, the User is deemed to have accepted the terms of the Agreement in full, without any reservations or exceptions. If the User does not agree with any of the provisions of the Agreement, the User has no right to use the Service / its individual functions. In case Service has made any changes to the Agreement as provided by clause 1.5 of the Agreement that the User does not agree with, the User must stop using the Service.
2.1. Service is the copyright holder (including under license) of all objects available through the Service, including design elements, graphics, illustrations, computer programs, data, databases and other objects (hereinafter - the "Service Content").
2.2. The use of the Content of the Service, as well as other content and other elements of the Service is possible only within the functionality offered by the Service. No part of the Content on the Service, or any content on the Service, may be used in any other way. The use includes, but is not limited to: reproduction, copying, processing, distribution on any basis, framing, etc.
2.3. The User has no right to distribute the Content of the Service in a form other than that in which he received it, without the written consent of Service.
2.4. Any extraction, copying, reproduction, processing of Data, Database, Service Content, distribution, making available on the Internet, any use in programs and services of third parties, mass media and/or for commercial purposes without prior written permission of Service or other copyright holder is prohibited.
3.1. In order to use some functions of the Service, the User must go through the registration procedure, as a result of which a unique account (hereinafter, the "Account") will be created for the User. In the future, to use certain functions of the Service, the User must go through the procedure of authorization in the Service.
3.2. In order to register, User agrees to provide true and complete information about himself and keep this information up to date. If the User provides incorrect information or Service has reason to believe that the information provided by the User is untrustworthy, Service has the right, at its sole discretion, to block the User's Account and deny the User the use of the Service (or its separate functions).
3.3. User's information contained in User's Account is stored and processed by Service in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy, which is an addendum to the Agreement.
3.4. The User must immediately notify Service of any unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Service using the User's Account and/or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to their account.
3.5. The User of the Service may stop using the Site. If the User wants to delete the Account, he/she must send an application for termination to Service email [email protected], to terminate the Agreement accepted on the basis of the Agreement.
3.6. The User undertakes to carefully and securely store the data used for identification in the Service; if such data becomes known to third parties, the User undertakes to immediately change the password. Unless proven otherwise by the User, any actions performed using the Service shall be deemed to have been performed by the relevant User. In the event of unauthorized access to his Account, the User shall immediately notify Service.
4.1. Performing the functions of the Service is possible only if you have access to the Internet. The User independently obtains and pays for such access on the terms and at the rates of their telecommunications operator or Internet access provider.
4.2. Service reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit the User's access to the Service (or certain Service content or functions, if it is technologically possible) using his Account or completely block the User's Account in case of violation of the Agreement, or apply other measures to the User in order to comply with the law or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.
4.3. When using the Service to obtain information about discounts, the User is notified that the Data is provided by their owners, partners of Service or obtained from publicly available sources. Service does not undertake to verify their accuracy and reliability, is not responsible for their relevance and appropriateness. Data provided in the Service, are of a reference nature and do not constitute a public offer Service.
4.4. The Service provides the User with the ability to search for stores depending on the User's location. By using the above functionality the User gives his/her consent to the use of geodata by Service.
4.5. Users may also receive, through their Account on the Service, personalized information about the offers of the Service / Service partners, based, among other things, on the preferences of the User, explicitly or implicitly indicated by them when using the Service.
4.6. Service has the right to conduct various promotional activities on the Service aimed at attracting attention to the Service and/or partner, partner's products. The User agrees to participate in all such promotional activities on appropriate terms. The User agrees to the processing of personal data required for such promotional events.
5.1. The Service is provided on an "as is" basis. Service makes no guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Service or its individual components and/or functions, the compliance of the Service and Data with specific goals and expectations of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of Data, and does not provide any other guarantees not expressly set forth in the Agreement.
5.2. Service shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Service and Data and/or damages caused to User and/or third parties as a result of any use, non-use or inability to use the Service and Data or its individual components and/or functions, including due to possible errors or malfunction of software and hardware, except as expressly provided by law and Service agreements with Users.
5.3. All questions and complaints related to the use / impossibility to use the Service, inaccuracy of Data, as well as possible violation of the Service or Data by the law and/or the rights of third parties shall be sent through the feedback form at [email protected]
6.1. By accepting the Agreement, the User agrees to receive newsletters from Service, newsletters with the latest news, promotions, new offers, as well as promotional mailings, including news and offers of third parties by e-mail.
6.2. The user can refuse promotional messages sent by e-mail and SMS by sending an email to [email protected]. User can also unsubscribe from the mailing by e-mail in the e-mail by referring to the procedure for unsubscribing from the mailing.
7.1. Service may contain links to other sites on the Internet (sites of third parties). These third parties and their content are not reviewed by Service for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). Service shall not be responsible for any information, materials posted on third party sites to which the User has access using the services, including any opinions or statements expressed on third party sites, advertising, etc., as well as the availability of such sites or content and the consequences of their use by the User.
7.2. Reference (in any form) to any site, product, service, any information of commercial or non-commercial nature, posted on the Service, does not constitute an approval or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by Service, except as expressly stated on the resource.
8.1. If for any reason one or more provisions of the Agreement are held invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.
8.2. The Agreement is a contract between the User and Service regarding the use of the Service and supersedes all prior agreements between the User and Service.
Email Address: [email protected]